Also, who cares how many comments?
Also, who cares how many comments?
To paraphrase the great Plinkett:
People are reading a LOT into this show that's going to turn out to have been nothing. There's no way they can connect all the dots they've scattered around just to make everything seem weird, and by the end of the series it's going to be like Lost - the writers will demonstrate that they had no idea where they were…
There's NO way they can bring this show into the finish line while having the way it started make any sense at all.
That line was written in the same time-warp that WP exists in, because Juliette Lewis hasn't been an actress of any caliber since about 1999.
"Yes, we want you to literally drive your car onto the stage for this."
The only reason I remember is because they have the youtube clip embedded above, and its in there :)
Having the guy AND his car on stage at the end of the taco bell bit was fucking brilliant. What a punchline :)
I love the use of the word "wrangler" in Hollywood.
That's a fair point - the stadium isn't half full of people who want to murder the founder of Yondr. It's half empty from all the people who are already on the way home to call their lawyers.
It's going to be fun the first time they have a glitch and cant get 500 people's cell phone bags to open
People are having their cell phones taken before they have a chance to act like anything at all.
I love getting stoned, and even if I didn't I definitely don't care if other people do. My point about that was, why is he comparing himself to Phish and trying to claim some kind of moral territory. It's something they do fairly often, bring religion into it, or as in this case try to just make the sort of dopey…
What exactly is his point about drugs and Phish? Literally everyone at an ICP concert is wasted… I mean, he's not actually trying to claim some kind of moral high ground, is he?
He has to know they exist. There's no way you could avoid them this thoroughly by accident.
I know the difference, that's not what was going on.
I have to say, the fact that she appeared to be laughing at her own shitty lip-synch work, made her very likeable. :)
Rihanna did maybe the worst lip-synch I've ever seen, in her first song. At the end she wasn't anywhere near the mic most of the time.
Vanessa Bayer begging for physical discipline - did my imagination write this episode?
That was a weird comment Shearer made, about it being somehow about being whether or not he's allowed to work freely. I can imagine Al Jean being like "Wait, I thought this was about money??"