
We cannot choose our gender any more than we cannot choose our parents. Science suggests that chromosomal make-up defines the individual. Do what you want with your own life. I just don't like to play pretend.

Let's see…Gender dysphoria is treated with chemical castration followed by surgical castration. The former requiring hormone therapy the later requiring surgery. Nope nothing medical about that.

Sorry but facts don't care about your feelings. In my world view, intolerance of opposing viewpoints is called bigotry and that is shameful. The focus on the sexuality of others is shameful, sexuality is a personal thing, done in the privacy of your choosing. The only reason people care about this is because this

Are you shaming me for having an opinion? Did I forget to groupthink here? Sorry, I don't believe that a human being can choose their gender. DNA makes that determination and when a human is displeased with the very genetic make-up of every single cell in their body it is rather depressing and indicative of a

Mental illness certainly has a well documented genetic component. Shame on the people celebrating this as anything other than a medical condition.