
What planet are you posting from with twelve hour days?

I have to disagree that this was a rehash of that. They didn't kiss the author's tushy crane-brothers style, they told their favorite author he was wrong.

I love it when Phil gets a win and Cam got it too, "One clown… and a magician." Delightful.

I think the sexual abuse was established medically.

I suspect this is part of him being put down like a mad dog. We'll just have to wait and see.

I'm pretty sure that even the shots from behind were a double. She's peaced-out of nudity entirely.

Adam is so not dead.

Because it gets an heir in the door?

1. Pretty sure that's not Shaggydog's head and that this is a set up.

The Hendrixes also bankroll EVERYTHING (which Sarah knows) and bury bodies beneath their garage on the regular (which she'll know shortly if she doesn't yet).

I think Rachel was playing her mother by saying she thinks they should let Charlotte die. It's not actually in Rachel's power to change that and it's to her advantage for her mother to think she agrees.

Well, we side with Amy on this one because he didn't even ask. Likely as not she would have said, "we can go shopping any time, go see Joss."

I have a hard time believing in even one "accidental" anal penetration.

That wasn't a real elderly person… Noooooo…

It's not a matter of prettiness so much as parity and plot sense.

Have we seen the sparrows harm the citizenry? Cersi was happy enought to let them starve.

I was a little annoyed by Jon Snow's modesty drape.

What if they came clean about Ben? I think it might be their best chance, really. If they admit it they can spin it as a mix-up that makes them look great. Something went wrong with the DNA test, the traumatized orphan internalized his cell mate's stories, with the surviving appendix they realized something was

She didn't sleep with that farmer either, there was just some kissin.

Probably they assume he ran away, he hasn't enlightened them otherwise, and since they're glad to see him they're cool with him hanging around but he's aged out so this isn't his home.