
Aside from the total mishandling of the Max-Dylan debacle, this episode was solid. However, episodes like these really, really, really highlight the contractual stuff with this season: Don't give me another episode without Crosby again, writers!! Do you hear me?!

You guys. You guys! Come on. The dude is the cleanest, most high maintenance character on television and that is why we love him. He doesn't know how to get a STAIN out of FABRIC? This goes against everything we know about him. If he REALLY dry cleans everything, that would actually have been a funny realization for

You guys, I don't WANT to feel this way, but Schmidt not knowing how to do laundry just takes me out of the moment…I start to ask too many questions. How is it possible that the cleanest, most meticulous person in the loft doesn't do laundry? How does his roommate of 10 years not know? How hasn't this come up yet? Am

I'm not sure where you made the connection from my not wanting the show to be STUPID to not liking my "comedy wacky." The show is perfection when it's "wacky," and it's a sad, hollow shell of what it was when it gets stupid and forces its characters to be beyond-dumb for laughter. I thought it was insanely accurate

Oh thank god this got a B and not some flimsy A- like last week. I actually enjoyed this week better, given that the plot was at least SOMEWHAT believable, even if it was mostly not that funny. Nick and Schmidt's "gay" scene was almost solitary redemption, although Coach, Winston, and Cece all had brighter moments.

Agree with this wholeheartedly. The only good aspects of this episode were 1) solid guest stars, 2) a real Winston story, 3) standardly ridiculous (in a good way) Nick lines, and 4) Cece shining. I wish I could have gotten over the plot but I'm just so much more disappointed with their collective intelligence falling

I am so utterly confused by all the praise for this episode, I feel like maybe I'm insane. Am I the only person who isn't falling out of their seat for this episode? The premise of a adult woman, gainfully employed as a Vice Principal, hiding what she thinks is meth in her closet is just completely out of the realm of