That's how they found Gina in the park, but the raid on her apartment (where they found the photo of Elizabeth's husband) happened before Red met with the bomber.
That's how they found Gina in the park, but the raid on her apartment (where they found the photo of Elizabeth's husband) happened before Red met with the bomber.
Yup, like Red is talking about Yuri not Maxwell when he says "I climbed Masada with his wife."
How exactly did they find Gina ZanyTacos apartment? Elizabeth compares Gina's passport photo with the photo of her on the street then suddenly they're at her apartment —- I didn't quite understand that connection.
Ooh, and The Sitter can run the adoption agency Elizabeth is applying at. Quick, pitch it!
Paradoxically, she's the most badass woman on TV, but only the third most badass on the show.
I loved Gen's interrogation of Shaw. She got her to reveal her job, the nature of her agency, and (most importantly) that they had a dog.
But on the upside, I found out that Shaw and I have the same blood type.
It doesn't help that most of the "villains" are basically just functionaries. I expect future episodes to star The Travel Agent and The IT Guy.
Ooooh, clones. Good point. That might also explain why Ann has no memories. Now if they could only get Tatiana Maslany to take over seven of the roles.
I agree that she (and the OWS as a whole) is intentionally portrayed as petulant and childish. If they had wanted to treat her like a grown-up she wouldn't have demanded an on-air apology (?!?) and punched someone, rather she'd have asked for a second chance to explain and debate her opinions more successfully.
Maw maw's the type to MAKE someone dead just so the picture is correct.
Exactly. I'm just waiting for the episode where Joe gets pardoned because the President is one of Joe's followers. Twist!
How is it that the super-duper computer genius is the only one that wasn't able to electronically hide his location? I mean you'd think that of all the peop—**smoke bomb**
Anyone else notice that Mr. Shue's "history" lesson seemed to consist almost entirely of zoological facts about the bald eagle?
So apparently he's as good at teaching history as he was at teaching Spanish.
I liked the scene where Ryan and Joe got together basically just to talk about what a crappy show this is. (RYAN: Seriously, a guy with a Poe mask? JOE: No, I'm totally with you. That was really stupid.)
Great article. I do think, however, that the counter-argument could be made that binge-watching is what has allowed the golden age of TV.
I didn't particularly like the video game episode either, but Annie and Shirley accidentally slaughtering the blacksmith's family may have been the hardest I laughed all season… huh, I just realized why I was so disappointed by the Annie and Shirley plot tonight: I kept expecting their pranks would result in something…
Kermit/Miss Piggy?
Yeah, I was really hoping that was a sign they were going to ditch Poe, and all start wearing Ralph Hinkley masks.
You're probably right and the ambiguity was just wishful thinking on my part. If it was just the car sex that'd be one thing, but telling him about her childhood did seem genuine.