
I have way more faith in Marvel doing a reboot/revamp than I had with DC with the New 52. While some of the changes in the New 52 were truly needed (Wonder Woman getting a better origin story, Aqua Man treated with some respect, Cyborg now part of the Justice League, The Flash's villains becoming an actual threat),

Yeah, that song was kind of awful. I agree it was out of sync with the music present in the game. At least Tragic Prince (The Clock tower theme) made up for it with it's bad ass heavy metal screaming in the background as you fight your way up it.

The first stage's music totally sold me on that game. It was epic.

Devil Summoner 2 Soul Hackers had some awesome tunes, especially with the flashback characters. Urabe's Theme sounded like an old Deep Purple song and Naomi's battle theme was really catchy as well. The Sea Ark Hotel theme was a pretty cool one as well. I do agree that the game dragged on a bit in the beginning,

I remember that track. It was pretty awesome. But then again, Konami's games tended to have awesome soundtracks back in the '80s.

Apparently Capcom can.

The Game Boy SaGa games were pretty good. They had a lot going for them in terms of customizing your characters with various meat and spare robot parts. The third game was pretty cool with a time travel story that worked well and a cast of characters that actually had personalities, something that was not common in

Well, the ONLY thing good about Legend of Mana was the music. Everything else from this series was an embarrassment after Seiken Densetsu 3.

Since I played as a paragon survivor Shepherd, the way I saw the choices was Certain death, Certain death, and possible death. I chose to destroy the Reapers because it was the only one that my survivor of a hero could walk away from.

Who didn't want to pop a cap in that guy since the first game? I am so glad I was given the option and was proven right all along: he was a traitorous snake that was in it for himself. Sure he tries to justify it, but a bullet to the head is what you get when you throw your lot in with Cerebus.

Me, I made Alexius a tranquil. Sure all of the mages in my party hated it, but the guy had it coming to him. He hated the tranquil and was using them to build the Ocularums that dot the landscape. So I felt that the only logical solution was to make him the thing he hated.

I tended to play as a paragon Shepard for most situations. The thing is, I picked the Sole Survivor background and made my decisions based on it. Usually the paragon responses were best used in diplomatic situations, but when it came to firefights, the survival instinct in my FemShep kicked in and Renegade