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Again, it has to do with the Sherlock comment about her black eye I think. I don't remember what he said, but her comment as I understood it was sort of like "yes, I got a black eye and got hurt but I threw the last punch (i.e. the one that actually ended the match) so I didn't come out so bad".
Maybe it's not a so

I wouldn't say vague. The comment was clear enough to establish Joan won. But like someone else said above, the important part of the scene was the Joan/Sherlock interaction rather than the fight. But still, it would've been cool to see Joan knock down that detective after all we saw her say.

Joan won. I don't remember what Sherlock commented after the camera shows Joan with a black eye but Joan replied "the important thing is I landed the final punch" or something like that.

Didn't Creed also chip in with a "What?" at the end?

Didn't Creed also chip in with a "What?" at the end?

I have one too, but the belt buckle broke and now it's stuck on brown so now I just have the brown belt

I have one too, but the belt buckle broke and now it's stuck on brown so now I just have the brown belt

well, he probably didn't have a Terminator mask but wanted to play Terminator…he was just using what he got

well, he probably didn't have a Terminator mask but wanted to play Terminator…he was just using what he got

it's not just the Dunphys, wasn't Jay the one that mentioned using a "Haley's Comet" t-shirt for a run she did? I think it was in the Manny fencing episode

it's not just the Dunphys, wasn't Jay the one that mentioned using a "Haley's Comet" t-shirt for a run she did? I think it was in the Manny fencing episode

that's it, from now on I'm nicknaming Jason Katims Mola Ram…that beautiful bastard sticks his hand inside you and rips your heart out!

that's it, from now on I'm nicknaming Jason Katims Mola Ram…that beautiful bastard sticks his hand inside you and rips your heart out!

my mom thought the same way…"not for a million dollars" were her exact words

my mom thought the same way…"not for a million dollars" were her exact words

have you read the Aziz Ansari Reddit AMA?, in UPROXX there's a best of and one of the questions regarding Chris Pratt was along the lines of:
"everyone's got a spit bucket (any scene that involves eating, everyone spits into a bucket after the take). Chris doesn't have one, so everytime you see him eating like a

have you read the Aziz Ansari Reddit AMA?, in UPROXX there's a best of and one of the questions regarding Chris Pratt was along the lines of:
"everyone's got a spit bucket (any scene that involves eating, everyone spits into a bucket after the take). Chris doesn't have one, so everytime you see him eating like a