Bull Shannon

I think that speaks to the quality of the film and the twist; it doesn't have to be a surprise to still be good. It may be less of a gut-punch, but it's still one for the main character, and the movie neither relies on the surprise nor are any story beats negated by it. Compare to other Big Twists like Shitter Island,

I love that while those last three were chronologically prequels, they're still narrative sequels. Most modern prequels wreck themselves by pretending they're telling The First Story in a saga while at the same time relying entirely on the audience's understanding and love of the original saga. They make the mistake

That's what they find Beneath the planet, Einstein.

If you could send your dog to get the groceries there'd be a fuck ton of dogs at the supermarket.

Yah but the statue was sad.

Don't forget the orphan baby ape repeatedly saying "mama" to the camera while doomed to spend life on the run from a society that just doesn't frickin' understand.

"He can talk!"

To be fair, it's one bomb going off, which is more of a massive one-man wank marathon of violence.

Or perhaps a downer note?

I dunno. It's mostly boring, Heston clearly didn't want to be there and the guy they tried to replace him with is a total blank slate. The apes mostly argue in a bunch of unrelated scenes before they decide to go beneath the planet and we wouldn't have much to recall about the film if not for the mutant bomb cult.

I think the twist was probably surprising in its time. Since then, that twist has become pretty ingrained in the iconography of the film, kinda like the Twilight Zone twists. Doesn't stop it from being a cracking good story though; it's still a reversal for the main character, who's spent the entire film decrying ape

This that pretty-boy crooner from the 60s who started punching meat in the 90s?

I think that's why I'm cautious about War. It feels like they're going back to the Dawn well in the same way Dark Knight Rises went back to the Dark Knight well, which I'd say held it back.

C'mon Toddler Driver, c'mon Toddler Driver….

I'd rather he push Garfield off a roof accidentally and inherit the powers through a small bit of magical bureaucracy I call The Spider Clause.

Strong disagree. Logan certainly resonates more (or less, depending on the movie) if you've seen the other movies, but it doesn't hang its coat on them. My major gripe with the cinematic universe is there's a bad combo of constant status quo (no deaths) combined with constant hinting towards other, future events,

If you consider all the comics canon, he does have radioactive death-spunk. So he's got that going for him.

You could say it started with Batman '66.

No, but he does spin webs of most size.

I need pictures! Pictures of the J.K. Simmons!