Bull Shannon

Doom typically starts records with an eminently skippable collage of old-movie samples

Same here. DangerDoom is easily one of those albums I've kept in constant rotation and handily surmounts any presupposition that it's a novelty cash-in.

I stared at this thinking "No, they have it right; September 12 is the day after 9/11!"

I think Hollywood learned a lot of the wrong things from movies/tv that explored characters and thought we just wanted everything to have a complex reason behind it. The tagline for Superman in the 70s was "You'll believe a man can fly." These days it's "We'll tell you why a man could fly."

I think he was going for the same variety but it all feels shoehorned in. The shooters are playing video games and watching nazi documentaries and then they have a mildly homoerotic encounter all within about four minutes.

I really enjoyed Van Sant's Elephant until he pinned the shooters motives on every single theory tv news had about school shooters.

I wonder if Spielberg is away just how hard the internet's turned its back on this book. I enjoyed it as an entertaining romp but to see people discuss it on the net you'd think it stole their prom dates.

Well, Disney.

Seriously. This new generation, I swear. When I was dating, you had the respect to sit through that first date and then ghost them without reason like the adult you were.

That's what I always liked about the Alien movies, though. Each one tries to do its own thing, for the most part.

I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder!

How edgy.

Todd Glass is one of those podcasts I download every week but only listen to if I really like the guest. That'd change if they could keep the runtime down.

As I get older I increasingly wish they'd just stay in Hobbiton.

I liked Freedom but found the central family to be massively unlikable. They were like the family from The Corrections but without the sorrow or the hidden redemptive qualities.

I'm rereading The Lord of the Rings for the first time since high school (that's half my lifetime ago, for those counting). I have trouble reading or rereading books that've become movies because I usually just picture the actors and scenery as the movie depicts it, and not what I might imagine reading it "clean."

tht's jst, lk, yr pnn, mn

Funny enough, I feel the opposite: there's very little point to the movie without the franchise hook to pin it on.

Yeah, I think this irreverent cartoon from a chaotic firebrand who is "just speaking his mind" by denigrating the establishment and women and saying anything that might possibly shock for shock's sake is an attempt to alienate the alt-right.

They're busy arresting girls with Hitler 'dos.