Bull Shannon

What really frustrates me is that if the person I'm talking to mentions something interesting I should check out later, if I go to my phone to write it down, I look (and feel) exactly like some turkeyhead tuning them out with a conversation on Instagram.

Yeah; I like that score and I love Neil Young, but that description is dead-on.

First you get the sugah,

It does have a rather clear-cut moral code. The bad guys do bad things and the good guys do good things; there's no grey. By the end of the movie, all injustices are punished and the good guys sail off into the sunset.

"Of course, there's a lot of misery. But it is the same misery that is all around us. The trees here are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don't think they - they sing. They just screech in pain….Taking a close look at - at what's around us there - there is some sort of a harmony. It is the harmony of…

The most awkward thing about Returns is its uneasy pairing of villains, a problem that would also plague the subsequent two sequels—not to mention any number of comic-book adaptations that try to cram too many opponents into one feature-length narrative.

"I'm just trying to understand why you wouldn't want to watch Halt and Catch Fire. Can you at least tell me that?"

But you've always been the director, Mark Romanek.

It's exactly this line of thinking that landed us with another season of Hemlock Grove.

Hold onto your butts.

What's your problem with David's doodle?

I'm in the middle of Doctor Sleep, and it certainly needs some grains of salt as a side order, but I'm enjoying it.

I'm about halfway through Doctor Sleep, and I like it. My expectations were reasonably low based on reviews, but as a continuation of the first's story and an exploration of Danny's Shine beyond the walls of the Overlook, it's pretty interesting.

Ugh, that game's tough. You're constantly restarting, all the other players are rather fickle and make you feel like you're not playing it right, and you're constantly asking yourself why you're still playing.

Bring me your mugs all your mugs your mugs I wanna mug 'em too y'know

Me too. That's one thing I liked about his "bad" set for the rich people; it was kinda funny, beyond the cringeworthiness of it.

I went to Junior Prom as a stranger's "date" so we could both hang out with our friends. It was pleasant enough, though "Present day" me wishes I'd tried to display any amount of game that night. I even tried going on a real date with her a few weeks later and we saw "Matrix Reloaded;" I like to blame the underground

I think the implication that Craster's babies end up with the White Walkers is in the books. It's at least open to it, what with that "Craster's sons" cliffhanger we saw in I-forget-which-book.

Not only do I love anchovies, but they also prevent your roommate from taking that slice you were saving for a 2am emergency. Anchovies are an excellent sharing deterrent.

Who has two thumbs and not much else?