You know nothing of the The Crunch!
You know nothing of the The Crunch!
I'm a cat. I'm a sexy cat.
Alec Grinness smiles to himself.
One of the things I miss the most from the books is Ser Dontos' role in Sansa's story. We might see more of him in this coming season, but I loved the tragedy of Sansa pinning all her hopes on an old drunk, convincing herself that this was just like the stories she used to swoon over.
Everybody missed something that day.
Skinamax movies aren't as explicit as Nymphomaniac, yet I'd be more likely to consider those pornographic than I would Von Trier's film.
Once, I sorted all my albums into playlists based on the year and general season of said year I'd bought it. It was an excellent nostalgia trip.
I saw an interview with him where he was wearing a t-shirt with his Simpsons-ized self saying the breakfast cereal line. I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh, I'm sorry Gilligan. The money will be safe in Iras.
I don't know, the image of a young Nick Kroll furiously wiggling a hand in his pants pocket until they suddenly fill with water sounds hilarious.
Now the better you are, the better Ol'Petey-Pants is.
To be followed a few years later by Salinger Mad Libs and then, finally, Write Your own Freakin Story.
I had parents whose curation of my pop culture intake was guided mainly by the evening news. Video games and action figures were eschewed for being too violent. But the day I came home with a newly-purchased treasure troll we reached a complete impasse when it came to what defined "acceptable" in our household.
No kidding. That movie made me take a step back and really question how I perceived this life and what I expected to come next. Once the credits rolled, I called my mom and let her know I loved her and then I went outside and every color seemed that much more vivid.
We're talking about Bogus Journey, right?