
Guys, you really britta’d this.

This exact thing happened to me a few years back! I was at a Gaslight Anthem gig in London when a friend's phone went missing. Venue security followed someone else's missing phone on find my iPhone and apprehended a guy down the road who had 30 phones on him.

I've somehow managed to not listen to any of his music despite the positive reviews etc. but I saw him interviewed on the BBC and he came across like a real grade-A dickhead.

I always think Reeves comedic chops get downplayed, he was very funny in Thumbsucker.

I just came to read this review because I listened to the album and stupid Virtute made me stupid cry again.

I know I'm 6 years late on this one, but Ken taking out his gun and putting on the desk, and Pete's reaction, was the funniest thing in season 4.