Jeff Rodgers

I guess I sink to the level of discussion capable by my "opponents".

Stealing my comments now?

Vile and profane always prevails over actual discussion in your opinion and those like you…
And you are indeed vile and profane.
I would throw obscene in as bonus adjective as well.
So yes, you win!

Comments SHOULD at least be coherent.

I did not but you are too low brow to recognize it.
You are totally out of it and so focused on trying to attack me that you can't even participate in a conversation of the issues.
You are not worth anymore expenditure of time.
I will let you rant on if you wish, although I don't think you can really help yourself, as I

I recieved plenty.
Stick with the conversation dumbass.

You certainly are.

Still better than you though.

For lowbrow scum.

How very tolerant and humane of you.

Then perhaps you need to actually read those posts be people that are on "your side".

I far prefer to allow you to do it for me.
Go ahead and read the posts. They are nothing but obscene attacks with no substance whatsoever.
You must be very proud to stand up for this crowd.

Once again you have proven yourself a genius. I am humbled by your intellect.
And your perfect name.

Another piece of scum repeats itself.

I would like to thank all of the folks that commented on my previous post and vindicated my comment.
You were all just perfect.

Today "journalism" is about money.

And this has changed anything?
After CNN ran false and biased stories for two years.
After they colluded with Clinton against Bernie and Trump both?
Results matter. Facts matter.
Optics after the fact are for people like you.

You, on the other hand, are a simple idiot.

Ask your parents.
Maybe they adopted you.

How very genius.
And how germane.