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    The Maggie/Sasha scenes were the best part of the episode wtf are you talking about Zack? This show rarely delves into female friendships. Also I'm loving the parallels between them, losing siblings back to back and love interests back to back. They've had each other's backs since season 4.

    The Man from the Other Side? Classic.

    I never thought about that! Though they did need to eliminate the still-alive villain from season 1 (forget his name)

    I think that love thing was okay. Didn't it have something to do with Peter, Liv and Walter being connected through emotional quantum entanglement? Like how they showed it in "6B"? Or maybe that's just my headcanon.

    I liked "Marionette" (episode 9), it was a good aftermath and "6B" and "Subject 13", LSD episode and of course, the finale. But everything else is just a blur.


    They sidelined her for Peter and Walter. it's sad, but Blair Brown who played Nina was completely right. Fringe stopped caring about its female protagonist. Clearly Wyman thought we were all in it for Jackson and Noble. We were in it for the THREE of them. Such a shame.

    After "Marionette", everything became too focused on Peter and Walter. It's ironic that people used to say Olivia was the weak link in the show, when I found her input was what made the show so compelling. It still hurts me that Olivia lost so much agency in the final season. She was just the wife.

    It's definitely Abraham though. Cudlitz has made it too obvious.

    Catelyn wasn't stupid.

    Also, I hope Scott becomes a regular next season. He's definitely earned his place as a long running character by now.

    These episodes are waaaaay better than the early season 3 episodes. Goodbye, Project Caster.

    Agree with you. I'll tune in for season 7, but I agree.

    Just wait until next episode… when the final scene will probably be a cliffhanger.

    Yeah, i think so too. I mean, it's gonna be incredibly difficult to cover it up, with actor sightings throughout the season, etc. and the comic con trailer, and just general promotion for the said dead character.

    I think that's exactly what they're doing.

    Me too.

    I kind of got the implication at least she wanted to move on from all the mess she got herself in last season, although romantically, I agree with you 100%. They haven't shown her side of this whole thing.

    Tyreese's time was up, to me at least. He felt like another Dale. But it's a shame they never developed him a bit further. She's not boring to me, her PTSD felt really authentic & I was waiting for a character to react in that way for a long time. It made perfect sense. I like her fieriness, and she has a big heart.

    Merritt is alive! :) And on a better show, probably.