
The guy is is too fascinated with fame. Almost like those reality tv stars who think they deserve fame for just existing.

Sometimes I am surprised at the low level some people's history (not referring to you by the way).

Overall the episode was good. I am relieved Katrina is 'gone.' Have a feeling she might crop up again since they love to exchange souls back and forth on this program. I would not mind Hawley's return as long as they don't shoe horn him into a love focus.

They still captured freed blacks and labeled them 'runaways.' Watch the series 'The Book of Negroes.' If you live in Canada or America and you have cable or satellite tv you will find it on "On Demand."

I couldn't help but notice another potential 'love interest' being crowbarred in in the form of the reporter. Hope they make that transition organic instead of a la Hawley.

Though the episode was slow I think it showed some promise for future plot lines. *Maybe* this season will end in a bang (fingers cross)

Does anyone think that Orion could be Abbie's 'love' interest that was implied at the beginning of the season? Hawley may have been the shoehorn choice, but with the exit of Hawley one wonders who that implied love interest is now?

I think everyone got what they wanted. Hawley has been removed from the show. Doubt he will return. I think the abrupt switch from his having a crush on Abbie and 'continuing' his romance with Jenny was awkward at best.

1) Looks like Katrina is going nowhere.
2) Hawley is probably gone for good. He will be 'forgotten.'
3) We shall see about that one

I think that this episode emphasized too much on the Crane couple. I get the sense that this program is moving slowly but surely away from the main characters Abbie and Icabod. People keep going on and on about Hawley for stealing chunks of episodes, but I think the writers have decided that they want to 'broaden'

Here is a link to Tommy Flanagan doing a voiceover for a Scottish soft drink. I think this is a lot thicker.

Total waste.

That match up made no sense. I think it was gratuitous sex for sex's sake. It also started in an non-organic fashion. No evolution. And to be quite frank not much chemistry.

Chibs Scottish accent is mild compared to a natural Scottish accent. Tommy Flanagan actually toned it down. I personally did not have any problem understanding him.

Unrequited love is a bitch.

I don't know why his Geordie accent is so heavy this season. Is the actor tired?

Mixed feelings about this episode. It was kind of all over the place. I'm going to hold on until the end of this season before I decide if I will follow it next season.

If Jax should die, he will probably die similarly to his father. But I think what his father and wife wanted will probably stick this time.

It might come to that. I could be a Breaking Bad ending where there is no-one left except the people who remained true to themselves. To be honest I think Unser should be on that list as well.

I was a bit behind this season and had to catch up. Now that I have, I must say that Gemma is the mastermind behind the SAMCRO. She is also the creator of the twisted minds of most of the men involved. Below is a list of the men she has destroyed or broke them down: