
The Emma references, plus his past references to period literature indicates a man that at the minimum is well read, I would not be surprised if they show Hawley having a priviledged childhood.

I too felt like this episode was attempting to bond this circle of people as a team. Don't know about family but definitely a team. You see more empathy in Hawley's face and the light bulb going off.

I don't think this epi was any worse than last week's. I did feel like they rushed the Mills subplot and I felt like the actress that played Lori was rushed through the plot. Everything seemed overstuffed and harried. I did not have a problem with Hawley in the episode. I did not think he interrupted anything.

I quite frankly don't get the appeal of the series. Its pure fantasy and unrealistic. But I guess that might be the gist of the program. The producer's fantasy.

Well this program has defied all kinds of logic up to now. At the least he has been indiffernt to the super natural.

It appears the Hawley is slowly believing in the supernatural. As Crane states they are all evolving during the War.

Another thought occured with me… Remember Crane sharing the myth of Saint Valentine with Abbie? That Valentine gave the the heart of the succubus to the emperor and then it was Valentine's Day The day of courtly love.

I just don't think Matt Barr's acting has all that much depth. Maybe he will show more in future episodes, but I just see a pretty boy (CW style) who has not had much acting experience.

I think the reason many people are frustrated with some of the characters is because we have two separate tiers of actors in this program. You have higher quality actors like Beharie, Misor, Orlando Jones and Noble. Then you have CW level actors like Matt Barr who don't measure up. The main reason there is so much

Ironically the actor that plays Hawley (Matt Barr) frequently describes the team as "Scooby Doo." So maybe this is the intent of the producers of FOX.

I like the idea of the 4th horseman. That makes a lot of sense now that I see it in black and white. I find the way Hawley looks at her as fervent, but more like when he looks at one of his artifacts. He may even have had the affair with Jenny just to get inside the circle.

Yeah a look of concern for sure. He kind of fleetingly looks at them when he leaves a room like 'should I leave him alone with her?' tyoe of look.

The snide remark that Jennifer made about him 'usually getting what he wants by now' was telling as well. I think he is going to fail contrary to his usual expectation of getting the prize. It may become an humorous subplot.

The Oedipus complex for sure.

It appears to be a FWB situation anyway. Looks like she just wants the occasional rumble in the hay with him. He is definitely a Himbo.

Despite the flimsy plot, I love the rapport between Abbie and Ichabod. I think that Hawley will be a teaser for Abbie, but I don't think it will go anywhere. There is no indication that Abbie is the slightest bit interested.

Several people have implied in posts that they think Katrina is person who will betray Crane. I just don't pick up that she is geniune. She could be playing Crane the whole time. Only time will tell.

I'm a female in IT and I'm physically fit. A bit of a stereotype, no?

Overall I think it was a decent episode. I don't think this series should be taken seriously any more than Scandal. Scandal has plenty of repetitive themes and it continues to be popular. Although I don't care for the abrupt way they have added Hawley at think a potential love interest for either Abbie or Jennifer

I think he has the message. He dodged a bullet in my opinion. Who wants a woman with an additive personality like that?