
Yeah they seem more ghettoized than the black characters.

Bertie is growing some balls. I don't think anyone can mess with him going forward.

At the minimum he saw the affection. I don't think he was just annoyed with Thackery's addiction. I think he was annoyed with her as well.

Will the bribe money continue?

This is a possibility. You see that at times in today's time… guys who see themselves as 'nice guys' and envy the alpha male that gets the girl. They too think they are entitled to a woman if they are nice to them regardless if they are a good match or not.

Most men of that era did not think about women's needs as well as they should. Horses for courses. Also modes for preventing pregnancies back then were not very dependable. They could have used protection but it was still risky business.

My description is more general than specifically focusing on interracial relationships. I agree with you that interracial relationships continue to be a relatively non-issue in Europe.

I think it (Europe) has become less tolerant today because of the higher influx of immigrants. I am a black American who has gone back and forth to Europe over that last 20+ years. I have friends and in-laws there. 20 to 15 years ago there was more social tolerance. By the late 90's the energy changed.

Sadly her kindness is going bite her in the backside.

I love Peaky Blinders!

I think Gallinger is an incompetent doctor. Totally useless. Status climber. Doesn't care about medicine at all.

LOL! Doubt they taught them that back then!

Unfortunately because of her station if this goes tits up she will be the fall guy. I like Lucy. Sometimes love can be blind.

That is some serious dosh. She may get addicted to that kind of cash like today's strippers.

That or a strong dose of opium to take the edge off….

Yeah. I think it will all end in tears. And Lucy will be the person that pays the bigger price. Poor Lucy.

Pariah is a strong word. She would have been tolerated in Europe. Her status would have been lowered, but it would not mean the death of her black husband or any outward acts to separate them.

Bertie will soon drop his idealistic views. He may become more hardened than the Thacks of the world. No-one can stay that naive forever. When he discovers Lucy's true colors it will do his head in.

Not in Europe. Intellectual black Americans were already moving to Europe around that time to be able to express themselves. Just a decade after this program's era performers like Josiphine Baker were living in France and openly married to white European men.

There is a bit of naivate in her view. She never really looked at the big picture. If she did she would have never indulged in sexual relations with Algie. In Europe they would have been okay. That is a fact of that time.