
Somehow Lucy's life is going to turn left. I don't see a good future for her. She is behaving more and more like a prostitute. She is inches away from that status.

I'm afraid is 'sweetness' will dissipate once he finds out this news. He will say goodbye to his naivete and become more of a man. I don't see him leaving the Knick if he does find out. But I do see him becoming more of a hard ass and not being so pliable.

Its the way men looked in the early 20th century through the 1920s. Lot's of men looked like John Gilbert during that time.

A possibility. But any angle in this Algie/Cornelia hookup in that era spells Danger Will Robinson for this couple.

I would think with Cornelia's privilege she may have access to prophylactics. I think the Nurse will need the Sister's services. I think Cornelia will be found out by a leak from the black community.

One does not have to be necessarily anti-Semite or racist. But these very people can contribute to the institution by doing nothing and even more so if they look the other way and 'pretend' like it does not exist.

This is a screenplay written through the eyes of white writers. I think one of the screenwriters adopted a black child and admitted he was fascinated with the racial divide when he witnessed his child experiencing issues. I can see why he would portray the whites as discovering and pondering these issues.

Like jealousy, like love… there are variations in racism. People think that racists come in the form of rabid rioters or lynchers. Racism can be a subtle as indifference. To allow Edwards to suffer abuse from others and reacting with indifference is just as bad has committing the act himself.

Indeed. There are variations and shades of all states of being. Racism is no different. Is Thackery less racist as the people who riot? Probably not. Is he less racist than Gallinger? Certainly.

I think Dr. Thackery represents white people in the 'middle' range between racism and tolerance. The group of whites who don't necessarily hate blacks but probably would not want them to be their equals either. They are the whites that when hearing racist jokes or witnessing discrimination just look the other way as