
Machine Dreams and their self-titled are their best albums by far. I like pretty much every song on both of those. (Found them after they collaborated with Gorillaz and just listened to discography forever.)
I like their new stuff too, but it's definitely gone to a slow burn instead of just them being great overall :/

I don't think that anyone likes the T's either, but ymmv.

I really love this album. Was playing the two singles a lot before it released, and now … just everything. I do think the singles are highlights, but dear skorpio magazine is great too, and the whole album just feels … together. I don't know.

What about the balls, jokes you fuck!?

one of my favorite songs [… kind of] is enter galactic by kid cudi: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
but i can't get over the lyrics in the middle of the song. 'so moist like a towelette'. >.>