
You realize the Republican candidates were diverse and the Democrat candidates were all white, right?

Anyone who is most concerned about American citizens more then only the biggest banks and donors should be voting for him. Anyone who wants an American President to take care of actual American Citizens and not people miles away who are not should vote for Donald Trump. Anyone who wants the President to make

The only thing that baffled me is how people did not assume "Something is very wrong here…something terrible is going to happen" right from the get-go as THE FIRST THING YOU SEE IN THE FIRST EPISODE IS FABRIC CUTOUT CLEAVERS ON A WALL.

So CNN and other news "journalists" don't?

still better then Clinton

The last one was the worst; "I think we should read the headlines" being shut down by "I think it's just you".

wow! I've always loved this movie and never realized how scary/horrific that troll turning into a brain was until now. Wish it would became a trilogy like it was meant to, already. Don't need much CGI. Just make puppets Dark Crystal style.

Nothing like making a movie that praises slavery and genocide!
Just what the world needs right now.

I actually hope it is like M Night Shyamalan's movie. I'm not even kidding.

I want to put Sasuke Uchiha on this list.