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    This article is a hugely satisfying conclusion to an on-again, off-again 10-year search of my own. Thanks!

    I loved the first two seasons as well, and think season three is by far the weakest. It doesn't sound like you're willing to make this commitment, but I guarantee if you watch ALL of season four TWICE in a row, the magic will leap out of it straight into your face, and you'll be initiated. Because of the disparate

    You usually knew what you were talking about on Hoodline, man, but I'll sing the virtues of AD's fourth season until I'm blue in the face. No one liked or watched the first three seasons until they'd been canceled a good five years, and that's just what's happening this time around. Thanks a lot, masses!

    Oh no, AV Club! Please don't resort to "THAT scene" headlines a la Entertainment Weekly. There's a reason I'm here, not there…

    Anytime I even see "Southland Tales" written out, I get goosebumps. So glad there are others who feel fiercely about it.

    There goes the entirety of its viewership.