
Big cats and small cats. All like to play in empty boxes.

Add in one of those Matt and Steve's pickled beans for garnish too, eh

I love Batman, but man, I just don't care anymore.

Weakest song on 'Round the Sun is Aunt Lisa. But then Ember City rips so I don't know…

Yellow & Green was way too coked out for me. Only 2 songs that I actually liked out of 18 songs. I haven't listened to Purple yet.

The lifestyle of being awesome.

The answer is 'fries'.

Why'd you stop?

Totally buying that vinyl release.
All I need now is for Bethesda to release the next Elder Scrolls and a bag of weed and I am set for staycation.

Once More 'Round The Sun > The Hunter.

Turn it into a marketing contest asking consumers where the missing 'S''s went. Cross promote with the next shitty heist movie. Voila.

Seriously though, this is really messed up, and makes me really glad I went veg.

Consequence of Sound had an article that was basically pinning the future of rock/guitar music on Japandroids. Yeesh. That's a ridiculous amount of pressure. The energy definitely isn't as high on this album as it was on Celebration Rock but I love when you can listen to an album, walk away from it for a bit, and then

Joke's on him, Hamilton already looks like Chernobyl.

Just obscure enough. I'll allow it.

We are only accepting clock and/or watch submissions at this time.

Geographically, we are in one of the safest locations on the entire planet. Safe from most natural disasters, and the further north we travel, the less interested people are in bombing us. See you at the cottage if things get really serious!

Excellent suggestion.

Also love Big Ben's appearance in Disney's The Great Mouse Detective.

Nice one! Or all the clocks in that scene from Hook