The Monster

Why is Elliot in Jail? Oh, suspicion for murdering Sharon Knowles.

I know the show cusses - but was that the first time teh show used the word FUCK?

Dr. 13 has a message, it's about ideas and people having intrinsic value, even when other people stop looking/forget.

"but the choice becomes clearer as Wilson Fisk continues to hurt the people Matt cares about and the city he loves."

I hated the use of Turk. - Here is why. In the comics Turk is a comedic character, a small time criminal and an addict, who never does anything too bad, and is always causing trouble by his general dumbness. He's played for laughs and it works. It works because he's not a monster. He's jsut dumb. In this show, Turk is

I loved this episode. (I'm behind) - I was initially worried that Carol would kill the kid. What she did was not as terrible as killing him, but damn was it scarier. And I usually loathe the show's song cues, as they feel like filler (Montage!) and otu of place- but this one was spot on. Great stuff.

My take on the Lincoln Adverts and who they are targeting.