Eric Erickson

"Detox views her actions as support for her L.A. drag sister Sharon Needles…"

I do think Bob is the clear frontrunner - and I would be thrilled if she is the winner…but I am waiting for Thorgy to make a Raven-like rise in the ranks during the last half of the season.

Over the past seven seasons, there has also been two queens to do Beyoncé and two who have done Cher.

Part of me thought everything was tied up a little too neatly, but once I reminded myself that this was the last episode and a cliffhanger couldn't happen, I decided that I wouldn't have wanted the series to end any other way.

"In the end, you’re my sister, and one day, only we will remember Sybil. Or Mama or Papa. Or Matthew or Michael. Or Granny or Carson"

Of all the things ever uttered by the Dowager over the course of the series, I found a statement she made in this episode the most shocking. The fact that she wrote to Tom about her impending trip because "he's the most sensible."

The one thing that annoys me more than anything about the queens who get sent home on this show is exactly what Jasmine said in her last interview: "If had been another girl that sent me home, I'd have been pissed off about it. But knowing that I lost to my sister, Kennedy, I'm walking away from this experience happy."

Very good point. I guess they have to do that since he is the bad guy…and without a bad guy, the show would have less conflict, at least within the social construct of the house.

You say that it's hard to believe Cora's suspicion of Barrow could be so completely overturned so completely, even in the rush of gratitude to saving her daughter and her home.
I didn't have a problem with that at all…by saving Cora's home, remember that Barrow was also saving Cora's way of life. Let us also not

I AGREE! That might very well be my favorite line in the series so far. It so perfectly sums up the life of the folks who live upstairs.