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    It was good stuff seeing Mark pretending to be high and getting annoyed and eventually killing their buzz, but I gotta admit I was a little disappointed when it revealed that he didn't take the pill. I thought it was about to get crazy. I suppose it would be hard to write an inner monologue for Mark on E, and it is…

    Oh yeah! Cranking at the IMAX, don't I know it!

    Some of the lines in the show are absolute classics just because of how the actors deliver them. Mark, Jez, SuperHans, Johnson are all brilliant in their delivery

    This show really deserves a bigger audience, or at least in the US.

    This might be my all time favorite comedy, it's up there with Always Sunny. I try to get everybody I know to watch it, just to have somebody to discuss it with, but they won't listen. They're missing out on so much enjoyment that I get. So, in a way, I'm winning…. in the most minor way possible.