
Just get Jim Breuer.

It's as close as you can get to one. I so have to see this!

These filmmakers are totally delusional. They seem to think the subject matter of a movie is what carries it. Then you can overlook its shortcoming like bad acting, bad camerawork, bad editing, bad lighting, bad sound, bad special effects and LOTS of green-screening to cut down on constructing actual sets. They've

Did you actually SEE it?!

*snicker* It's funny you should mention Troma. Here's the IMDB page for the "10 Days" director's previous work "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1999). Take a look at the Company Credits section. :D

And check out this short interview with Kelly Le Brock and AWESOME clip! If you're wondering if they're all just sitting in chairs in front of a green screen you are correct.

Believe it or not they're trying their hardest. They barely had enough to shoot the stupid thing let alone advertise it. It's all done via word of mouth, Facebook, Twitter, blogs and press releases/reviews that appear to be "sponsored content". Every one of these particular articles has the company's contact info at

There is a "movie" out now. Brace yourself.

RE: A whole book (or movie—seriously, why isn’t this already a movie
starring Audrey Hepburn, or in the works with Emily Blunt in the lead