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    I've discovered that my comfort show of late is the Mentalist. I hardly watched it when it was on in real time, but I watch it in syndication and love it.

    Did you also have to explain that, no dvd's don't have to be rewound? Or how bout , No, honestly, Blair Witch was Just a movie, not really found footage. Good times.

    I mixed up Curtis Hanson for Curtis Armstrong for a second there and thought, "Wow! Booger is in really good company. What the heck?"

    This article makes the movie sound waay more interesting than it is. Look, I like serious minded comic book films. I actually liked Superman Returns and thought it better than a lot of comic book based films. Horrors! I even really like Batman v. Superman. But this movie was a slog. The main criticism of Singer's

    I suppose Frasier may technically be a more successfully spinoff (no way we are getting 10 years of BCS), but damn if this show doesn't continually surprise. Who really would've though Saul Goodman, a sketchy, funny, side character in Breaking Bad could be this interesting? Remember when we first heard the rumor

    They have to bring Squiggy in as Chuck's retired old law partner.

    First Idol is canceled and now this! Can the beginning of the end of reality shows be upon us? Please?

    Faruza Balk

    Oh, my bad. There aren't many DC defenders around, so I'm always on the look out for an ally.

    You are referring to Disney now owning Marvel, I take it? Very clever. It would be juvenile and "lighthearted".

    http://www.rogerebert.com/r… this is all I'm saying. Read Ebert's review. Yes, it speaks of dehumanizing Hot Lips, but it still sees the humour. I don't doubt that some viewers were offended, just not the majority.

    Wait, why is Patrick Warburton not the Tick?

    I'm saying that the shower prank was seen more as naughty, boys will be boys, harmless fun when it was shown, than aggressive, safe space inducing terror it is described now. Hell, Sally Kellerman obviously had no problem with it.

    But we are talking about 1970. Look at early 80's comedies like Revenge of the Nerds, Porky's, etc. Characters are peeping and we, the audience, were right there with them. Grown men, thousands of miles from home doubtless engaged in similar antics than those on Mash. As someone above posted, we can't judge a 45 year

    I had never even heard of Brewster Mcloud before and now that I've looked it up and read about it, holy shit I have to watch it immediately.

    Yeah, Don McLean knew all about rap in 1970 fucking 1 or whatever.

    I always thought R.Lee Ermey was born to play Jameson. Maybe from 1980 or 90 something.

    That is freaking brilliant and would guarantee me seeing every Tyler Perry movie ever made.

    Morgan Freeman played Alex Cross twice and so, so much better than Madea did.

    I cant even finish an episode anymore. I start it and then about half way through, I just get bored and watch something else.