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    I just keep thinking of that Princess Leia/Rolling Stone pictorial some great commenter here led us to a couple of weeks ago. Lord.

    I remember him from one of the special features on one of the three or four Blade Runners have. I think it was him that remarked something to the effect - Ridley Scott directing a story by Phillip K Dick, starring Han Solo, himself. It's gotta be a hit. Gambled and lost on that one.

    It used to be that Bryce Dallas Howard was the most exciting thing than Ron had produced, but then Jessica Chastain came along and even that is just kinda ok.

    How bout Moby Grape?

    I know he's a serial killer, but I really like March. He's always so upbeat and take charge.

    So, he fits right in.

    George Segal was absolutely killing me. I rewound his scenes a couple times to catch all the hilarity. On a side note: TCM was showing Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf the other night and I had to show my wife - "Look, you know who that is?" "No idea. Who is it?" "It's Pops! A young Pops!"

    This is an adaptation that shouldn't have been made - when it was. It should have been released this year or next. The superhero movie is in full force and the repercussions on what costumed heroes would look like I the real world is what this movie is really all about. And if Snyder wanted to change up the Nixon

    In the very first episode Rye and Dodd had a conversation about their pecking orders with Dodd saying something like, "You're a Gerhardt." If I remember right, Hahnzee is standing there the whole time and now I'm wondering if he didn't just decide right then, "Well, where does that leave me?"

    Three Men and Baby (specifically the ghost rumor)

    Hey, fellow ghost towner! I, too, just watched this last night and wanted to see how it was received. I liked it also. The fashion was spot on. I really hope there is enough interest for a sequel.

    Easily, one of the most WTF moments for me was in the first one when paralyzed, mute Grandpa starts badgering the poor kid about Santa, Christmas etc. And they never explained it. Was it all in the kid's head or what?

    There are times I will think, "Man, I'd love to have a job writing for AVClub." This is not one of those times. How did you make it through all of these crapfests?

    I would've liked both. I bought White Album when I was a wee lad and thought, "wait where's the fast, harder version of this song?" I was a bit dissapointed it wasn't included. But they could've left Revolution 9 off altogether. "Number 9, number 9…." Still baffled by that "song"

    Let's just say it was 1980-something

    Ah, but Top Gun came out in 86.

    Farewell most incompetent/laziest cop in America. I'm happy you are starting your own interior design business. Maybe your first client will be the Radwells.

    Hopefully he wakes up in time to take off with a couple bottles of the good stuff before all hell breaks loose.

    Doris Roberts and Patricia Heaton as a mother/daughter assassin team. Too bad Peter Boyle has passed or he would actually fit right in Fargo.

    I was thinking the same.