
I see that they are not putting too much time and effort into Ubbe. I hope that changes next season. We need at least one guy who is not acting like a complete savage. And who thinks before he acts and speaks. I loved what the actor did with the little they gave him and I like that he is not trying to imitate Ragnar

I think people are a bit fast to jump on the "It's not any good without Ragnar" wagon. "Vikings" has always been inconsistent in its quality. In each season there were episodes that were good and episodes that were just average, and episodes that were bad. I was always get a little bit frustrated with the show,

So it turns out that Ragnar is once again playing the long game. He has a plan beyond the obvious. But what a sad plan it is going to be! He is going to die a martyr and then be avenged by his sons. I just hope that his sons live up to his expectations.

They should be paying Emmy Rossum twice whatever they're paying William Macy. Come on, people! I can't believe that they have to negotiate this sh*t.
She is the heart and soul of this show and she has been doing such an amazing work, elevating even the weak material that she is sometimes given. She does at least 3 or

That is why I said "neither enjoyed nor understood". As in both these things. I don't think the one equals the other. I also think the show had many flaws, I won't deny it. I am just saying that in terms of writing, cinematography, acting and almost any other aspect that I can think of Westworld is far superior than

One of the best pieces of television this year. It's a shame Zack was stuck reviewing a show he neither enjoyed nor understood.
I'll just say that he gave the same grade to this episode as he did to crappy piece of horrible miserable cheap writing that the Walking Dead manage to produce this week. That sums it up

Hahah, also a Last Kingdom fan here. I miss this show. Can't wait for it to come back.

So far Ube is my favorite of the younger sons. There was something beautifully unexpected with how the "Who wants to be king?" scene played out in the end.
Also how awesome was that last scene!

I really wish the reviewer would mention things like this and come to conclusions like the one in this reply and the original comment. But, alas. I really feel he is not into the show enough to be watching it, let along review it. Come on, he is asking if this might be the picture of Logan's sister. My God, of course

The most obvious argument against it is the color of his eyes/hair.
The other one is that it will be much more interesting for the good, "white hat" guy to turn bad that it will be for the bad guy to just keep being the bad guy for 30 years.
And besides I think the show is making a lot of parallels and is often

I agree on your first point. I doubt that they will introduce a young Man in Black so late in the season or that he is just a random guy. He has to be William. This way he is binding the two time periods together and it makes sense as a character arc. There are just to many similarities between the MiB in the present

Ford just dug the church out for the new storyline.
I think the Man in Black said that he never killed anyone who was innocent before. All of the soldiers seamed like total assholes so maybe that's what he meant.
I am still hoping for William not being MiB though. But I doubt it.

I am not always very concentrated while watching the show, but I think there was something about professor Youens having a son/daughter that doesn't want to talk to him. I think just as Lip was projecting onto him his anger and resentment towards Frank when he smashed his car, the professor might be trying to have a

It becomes more and more obvious with every episode that William is the Man In Black and it really breaks my heart. It must be to a large part due to Jimmi Simpson's acting. He's made William so human and vulnerable, and so very sympathetic to me.

I also love the Felix/Maeve scenes and am very surprised to see how many people find them boring or unrealistic. I think there is much more than what meets the eye about Felix. He's quite smart and obviously has his own agenda and is not just being controlled by Maeve.

I feel that the reviewer does not have enough passion and love for this show. Besides, the review feels more like a recap, to be honest.
I enjoy much more reading the comment section, where lots of fresh and original thoughts and theories are being discussed with deeper understanding of the show and more appreciation

Can we please talk about how amazing Jeremy Allen White was this episode? I am starting to think that this show doesn't deserve him.
That being said, that was the best episode of the season so far.

I really liked all of the actors playing Ragnar's sons after the time jump. All of them looked like different versions of him. As if some parts of him were taken and magnified. I think I loved Ubbe the most and will love to see more of him.
Also Alexander Ludwig is doing magnificent job on Bjorn since day one. He's

This comment should be on top. I agree on all points.

I don't think that's a C+ episode, especially seeing what crappy shows and episodes the other reviewers are giving higher grades. I understand the reviewer's frustration with the show, I feel it often too, but even at it's worst Vikings is still better than average.
Torvi's vision of Bjorn getting shot war a really