
Exactly. "You get that from one of your books?" Hart jokes in the first episode. "I did." Cohle replies, deadpan.

It's not a deal breaker for me… but boy is it testing my anticipation.

I remember liking it but at the same time you could tell it had been cut to ribbons in the editing room. It feels like 2, or maybe 3, films mashed together at times. It was also before DiCaprio became a good actor (yes, yes, Gilbert Grape excepted).

The first was lightning in a bottle. That kind of actor chemistry and premise novelty can't be recaptured, as much as the second one tried. I'm genuenly stunned anyone except money hungry producers have managed to convince themselves a reboot is a good idea.

Hitchens' seeming inconsistency annoyed a lot of people - he hated religion (right on!) but supported the Iraq War (booo!) - but I think it was kind of endearing. You're not much use as a polemicist if you're predictable.

Off-topic-ish, but I always wonder why 'humor' in these instances is always boiled down to stand up comedy. That seems so reductive to me - surely sitcoms and films have a far wider reach than a comedian going on stage telling jokes? (Disclaimer, I find stand up comedy very boring no matter what the gender of the

So you weren't a fan, then?

Helena Bonham Carter as Poison Ivy?

Don't worry, it didn't make any sense to people who'd seen the previous films either.

No, pandering to China is not a good thing. It just means more action (because what culture doesn't understand that?) over nuanced stories and characters.

Over here we call bananas 'yellow fatty beans'.

How can it be a step down when Bale was never going to do it in the first place?

We heard a lot of things, it's not the show's fault people believed all the inevitable casting rumors.

Pizzolatto did little to hide his annoyance at all gender questions so he could just have cast three males as a 'fuck you'. Seriously, it wouldn't surprise me.

It's hard to know what makes something good, but it's very easy to know what makes something bad. If we can understand the latter using people like Bay, perhaps we can better understand the former.