
He is also very anti-war. His famous chair speech, IIRC, went after Obama as well as Bush for perpetuating wars.

That question…'don't you want to be happy?'…Wow. They nailed it. I fucking hate getting asked that question.

Bill Clinton is roundly welcomed in mainstream politics, and the accusations against him are disturbing to say the least.

That's not quite the number you're looking for, though:

Why Twitter, Internet?

God DAMN it, Disqus! Now your fuck ups are interdimensional!

That's the combat seat, Jonathan Livingston Seagull!

This show needs more Steve. He's the real True Detective, if you ask me. And what did he ever do wrong? All he wanted was to have a talk after some innocent butt fucking. Poor, poor Steve.

Wait…this is a GJI feature…why aren't there tweets? Or poorly designed memes? Or a Mad Max: Fury Road/Batman vs Superman mashup?

I was going to reply and say a bunch of stuff, but you really made a fantastic post here. Really good points.

This is kind of related - interesting video on when women are more likely to have male babies, and when they are more likely to have female babies:

You got to be ready to fireboard those motherjammers!

I think it's your own fault - those references are easy to catch. If you're having trouble with them, I think you're a real Duns.

And quite believable - I've never found him to write anything too Ludicretious.

I must admit, this thread makes me quite epi-curious.

The great thing about Camus' stories was his use of a strong Protagoras.

I think you're all being a bunch of Hippocrates about this.

…Posting tweets are now a GJ,I?

Holy shit. I've never seen this show, but I'm not sure of the last time I saw an 'F' grade here, so I figure I'd get myself in on this shit.

Oscar Isaac is a fantastic actor, and ILD was amazing, but I can't look at his face without remembering him and Adam Brody and that ridiculous song.