

That's a very good point (although it brings up the neverending argument of whether authorial intent matters). This is definitely a special case.

"The new book should be judged on its merits, not on how well it gibes with To Kill a Mockingbird."

All I know about that guy is that some student group in college booked him to come do a gig, and nobody showed up and the administration/Mo was really mad. Needless to say, I didn;t go either.

Paul Rudd stars as Phil Rudd in Highway to Meth

I thought you were still referencing men named Rudd, and I was very confused. Who is Cosby Rudd?

Yea, I started having way more success once I began turning off the shame-inducing part of my brain and just asking women out. I got a lot of yeses that never turned into anything, but at least I got a date/made out with some of them. I was surprised at how often I at least got a bit of kissing in, when my main reason

I'm surprised deviantart is still around.

Libertarians (a philosophical/political sect I used to be aligned with) often go through the same thing - if you, at ANY point, supported government overreach in an area, you were ostracized as being 'one of them.' One of the reasons I ultimately left the movement and went mostly left-ist.


Yea. Like I said, it's a shittier version of QI. Hardwick ain't no Fry.

Yea, it all seems like an act to me.

Yea. Considering this appeared on 'defamer,' coupled with the very, very dubious 'evidence' they have cited, they are straddling the line between reporting and defamation.

At this point, I've seen Stan Lee playing Hugh Heffner more times than I've actually seen pictures of Hugh Heffner, so all I see in my brain is Stan Lee…

…Do they speak English in What?

I think my main problem here is that I know exactly how this would have gone down if it were me and my college friends.


He's got that Benjamin Buttons disease!

God DAMN it, James R,R, Martin, stop farting around with celebrities and get back to finishing your book series!

I read this in classic nerd-voice - with you licking your lips and holding your spittle back every few seconds.