
Saw this in the theater, and I felt like the "foul-mouthed tiny gymnast with a midwestern accent" aspect of Rauch's character was pretty one-note. The pacing made the movie drag by the end, and the gymnastic sex scene felt like they were trying a bit too hard.

I feel similarly about John DiMaggio. He's talented, but he either sounds like Marcus Fenix or Bender. Multiple times I was pulled out of an Arkham Game when a dude that sounds like Bender was trying to hit me with a club

So often an onscreen Boston accent will focus so hahd on the non-rhotic R that they neglect the other vowel sounds (which often feel more grounded). I know plenty of people whose R's are soft but present, and then they say cherry, merry, and berry with that slightly english affect. Another one that most actors forget


i love the concept, but i feel like the timing was off on some of these. It would have been way funnier if the verse lyrics came in right after "…beautiful friendship" for instance

Saw them at Fenway on Friday August 5th. It was easily one of my favorite live experiences. Seeing one of my favorite bands play with boundless energy and genuine love for the crowd at my hometown ballpark was otherworldly.

This is a song that I absolutely hate from back to front on every level. The hacky, sexist story of the song, the appropriation of the most 101-level aspects of reggae, and the facile melody of the chorus make it a totally vapid piece of junk.

Agree 100%. The original of any franchise/story is never going anywhere.

Hey AV Club, thanks for using a photo of a man-sized penis for a review without, like, an NSFW tag.

I take his criticism of Catholicism in their songs as very personal, based on his own experiences and feelings. He makes a salient point in that he feels comfortable speaking about things that have truly affected him and that he is knowledgeable about. The jabs at Catholicism feel real and earned because that system

Extremely well-written and articulated.

Bruce Springsteen was a basejump into uncanny valley, but Bob Dylan was a hilarious nightmarescape.

I have to disagree on Better Call Saul. I appreciate what they're doing with it stylistically, but there's two aspects of it that drive me crazy. One is the possibly nitpick-y critique of how the sequence cuts off right before the musical phrase of the the them song is over. Regardless of their intention, the fact

Both street harassment and rape come doen to power. The perpetrator is, whether they are aware or not, exerting power over someone or taking it away from someone. Both rape and harassment are used to make the perpetrator feel powerful over their victim. While they may be varied in degrees of physical violence, both

Thats true too. The denial and derailment can be extremely discouraging and demoralizing when you're just trying to get people to recognize a very real problem. The encouraging thing is that there is strength in numbers. And I believe more people are sympathetic in nature than not. Over time, the people who are

I think it's important how much rape/harassment is being explored in today's art/entertainment for the exact reason the author states: "It’s an ever-present possibility, and the world we live in makes that impossible for women to forget." The more it gets discussed by more people, the harder it is to dismiss it.

Like I give a flyin' fahk how some piece ah hahdweah's gonna altah my gawjuss speakin' voice. When I ask "Siri, google Best Spawts City in America" I always get tha same rahsult #Boston #GoBruins #Freebrady

Submitted for Approval: D'Brickashaw Ferguson

Referee Ed Hochuli is right up there with former commissioner Paul Tagliabue in the NFL Hall Of Names

For all the Pattoneers out there, his bit is about how terrifying dave's voice sounded on the christmas recording. He also just talked about it; he never monkeyed around with the audio and posted it on the internet (as far as I know)