
How are the lyrics gibberish?
They seem pretty straight forward to me.

Nope that was not the symbol of Ironfist but of the Steel Serpent one of his enemies and maybe that old biddy is Mother Crane another Ironfist adversary.
Didn't the drugs get called still serpent?

Could be.
I do think it is going to be someone from the future though, to give it that bitter ironic ouroboros vibe.

Oh yes it could!

The Rap battles between the young Xavier and the Multiple Man are legendary.

Oh no I do.
I find it very confusing when Eminem doesn't rap in a Glaswegian accent.

True O sinister one.

They should make Mark Millars and J G Jones Wanted properly, seeing how J G Jones drew the main character as Eminem and the character of Fox was Halle Berry.
It would be far better than the Loom of doom shite.

You will when you see him don a merkin for the ladies.

What's up with the gunfight in the boatyard all the sounds of gunfire was muted like they were all using silencers.
Come to think of it a lot US TV recently has muted gunfire sound effects what gives America?

Does that make Katrina Jones the frozen Himalayan patient zero?