
My band director HATED Kenny G and passed that on to me, though I play the sax too

Coulson too. Again. Also, May is now Director Fury's wife and Bobbi decided she had a crush on Loki

On the other hand, it's kind of nice to see some scenes that aren't all grit and ridiculous violence every once in a while, right?

Ward was the best, I'm sorry they let him lag. Bobbi and Ward, now THAT would be an interesting couple!

His character is sound, it's the writing that lags. Rewatching, say, the avengers or Iron Man 2, he has some attitude and some great jokes, etc., but he's kind of lost it most of the time (they don't always put enough effort into it). So it's there, just not expressed.

only last 3 weeks (FTFY). And the midseason finale, too. But that's mostly it.

Sequels were to "institutionalized", like it became just another job and another house rather than some rebellion/facing the unknown thing. It's like the Superman movies, you know nothing can physically hurt him so you're not as interested.

I loved how he lived in a friggin' tree, and the friendship with Frightful was great too. Plus, the format was kinda cool and the details were interesting, like him describing how he made leather clothes etc.

What was the point of Mixed-Up Files? I forget.

There's this one book (I think it has "fear" in the title; 'The Fear Place'?) that left me traumatized as a kid that my teacher read in class. It was about this kid who was scared to death of heights and this group takes a hike along this canyon where there's this one point where you have to edge along this very thin