
What face?

"they worked night and night in the special mirrored office I had made for them". Because why not a mirrored office

"Detective Rabbi: it takes an orthodox man to solve an unorthodox crime"

We have to take care when you try to link goodness to rewards. I guess that when one choses to follow the path of goodness he will do it no matter how the world will pay back. I also hate how Thrones tries to make goodness and love look like childish ideals in a world where the only truth is power (chaos is a ladder,

that's childish. You're being easily influenced and the fanbase is the one to blame? Man up. Of all the reasons you could come with to stop watching, you chose this one. But to each his own, I guess.

I always thought that season 3 was almost all about trying to explain the love that wants to save the other from spiritual death, for me, that season kind of uplifted the passion that Carrie felt for Brody to something way more than carnal, if you watch it again you will see that they would most probably never thrive

I guess it plays well with that questioning scene between him and Allison, when she tells him that he has rage inside.

Isn't it the plot of robocop?