Troy Brooks

His feed just shows what it's like when you give an 86 year old white guy twitter.

OK, your right, he's a Liberal, a sexist, racist, transphobic, POS, but a Liberal one.

What shocks me is the number of people who still claim Bill Maher is a Liberal.

Does this mean that Lawrence of Arabia is also a Star Wars rip off?
Or maybe the middle section of Raiders of The Lost Ark?

"Mornings are for Pamcakes and complication"

OK, I'll answer, YES, there is something broken in you if you expect the MCU to play by the exact same rules as Earth 616

We have no idea if this Spidey even has a Spidey Sense, or how it works.
Early in his comic book career it only detected immediate physical danger. And even if it gives him a more generalized sense, in this clip he may have discounted it as being from his door being open and being in danger of Aunt May finding out.

I have no idea why I forgot to mention how much of an idiot bigot he is regarding religion

Given his stances on race, class, gender, and gender identity I don't understand how liberals can still back Maher

Well, at least three are geeks. Fun game, which do you think I'm talking about?

Couple of reasons
1 AVClub has been hitting my Facebook feed pretty hard with these stories
2 This article claims to be about the movie and I like it
3 I'm curious why so many people like it

Where do any of the scoobies show any disturbance at Angel? Willow and Giles seem to think it's romantic, and Xander only has trouble with it because he wants to bone Buffy.

Don't forget that she has the hots for a 200 year old man, and we aren't suppose to think that's creepy

Am I the only one who thinks the show is awful?
In the movie Buffy grows and decides to fight the vampires because it's the right thing to do.
In the show she did it to please a man (usually a love interest)

Pokemon is the superior game
Digimon is the superior show.

Maybe it's my age, but I never understood why anyone liked PewDiePie

I'm trying to figure out which is a better band name
"We Broke Up"
"Lame Band Name"

You ever see the debates on the Simpson's floor plan?

Here's a tip, if you want to say something but feel you need to preface it with "I'm not sexist but" what you are about to say is probably sexist.
Also, ANYTHING you say after "I'm not sexist but" will sound sexist.
One more thing, these are also true if you replace "sexist" with "racist", "homophobic", or "transphobic"

Exactly what I came here to say, they're cartoons, they aren't suppose to be realistic