
And so what makes you think that everything in this show won't become important?

I'm looking forward to the makeup and wig job they do for Bill Burr to get that wrinkly bald mug to look as young as he did in Breaking Bad.

On the Insider podcast, Vince did suggest that as something that COULD be possible — we never saw Saul's home life and Saul would never have had a reason to reveal true personal details to Walt.

I'm still looking forward to the innevitable return of Kuby. Hope they have a good wig guy.

Well, you can't say it has no basis in reality. You can only account for your own opinion. I'm sure there are plenty of bloggers and critics who intentionally assume a contrarian position to score points with a particular audience or social circle.

Disappointed to learn that the animated segments weren't done by Hertzfeldt. First Pop-Tarts, now Fargo. The guy can't catch a break.

Jonathan Banks is 70, they can't exactly wait 5 or 6 years to do the Mike and Gus Show, as much as I'd love that. And threads are surely going to start criss-crossing eventually, given that we know Saul gets involved in some shit with Nacho, whatever that may be.

Nacho is certainly going to have a major role to play in the series that's going to get Saul caught up in Cartel dealings somehow, given his spiel when Walt and Jesse took him out into the desert.

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking.

How terribly original. I've never heard almost that exact same punchline in like a half dozen sitcoms. Never.

Emptied Pool Cum Skateboard Park is the name of my thrashcore garage band.

Not that I recall.

Hector was the one who made the remark.

I don't think Saul ever met Gus. He knows him, vaguely, through Mike, and vice versa.

Aye. After listening to the Insider podcasts and interviews, there's one thing I'm sure of: Vince and Peter and co. don't leave the writing room until the story is good.

Just got around to watching the finale tonight. This season hit just about all the right notes emotionally. I still have quibbles with the story — in particular Fiona's — but it's nice to see all of the characters on the path to closure, and it's really nice to see characters like Carl and Ian growing as people.

I'd like to see Kojima try making short films. 10-20 minutes in length. I'm not sure if he'd be well suited to feature-length films, but I think he'd direct some excellent shorts.

See, having a single well-directed battle and a few epic moments doesn't make up for a season's worth of shitty writing in my opinion. I'll give the show credit for a lot of things — directing, cinematography, music, production design, acting — but it all means nothing if the writing is poor.

I don't think it's accidental, since it was intentionally uploaded into Teddy as part of his backstory.

Really? I thought it was the weakest so far. I mean, sure, it had a few great action setpieces and some good performances, but the writing was such a step down from previous seasons.