
Well, a point was made in Teddy's backstory that Wyatt's flunkies are so caught up in his ravings that they don't give heed to physical pain.

Right. Young Hopkins looked like he was based on photos circa the 70s so it's safe to guess that the technology in the flashback was at least 30 years old, probably closer to 50.

Well, I see maybe three options:

I had a feeling that people would start to complain that the show is "boring" after a week or two.

They've had several clips of those machines building the guests in the show, and this episode showed an eye being printed using that same resin material. I don't know that the entire robot is built from it, but perhaps the synthetic bones and soft tissues — the things that actually need to rupture convincingly.

Theory about how the guns work:

Well, hell, they already do stuff like that, too. There are a lot of Lovecraft-inspired enemies in WoW (the Old Gods, Faceless Ones, Twilight Cult, etc.) and some of them will fuck with you.

Looks like a ten-year-old game, you say? Well, it's actually almost 13 years old, so I guess it's still ahead of the curve.

Outside of the US it was quite successful. Especially in Asia. It broke box office records in China.

For roughly the same Artifact Power it takes to get from your 13th trait to your 14th trait on your primary Artifact, you can get the first 13 traits on a secondary Artifact.

Fairy Tail and Inuyasha aren't Shonen Jump properties…

Put simply, you're always presented as the hero of your own story, while other players are simply other adventurers with their own stories.

I was just talking to my friend about Ryder's performance. I described it as too-occasionally crossing the line from "frazzled mom" to "detoxing heroin addict."

Psst. Texas has the fastest growing technology industry in the US and has been one of the major tech centers in the country for decades now.

Texas is home to many of the biggest tech companies in the country. I'm electing to believe that the question is a result of people being curious about how the internet works, and not just computer illiterate people trying to find their web browser.

You're absolutely right. They should have had a timelapse montage of Ernesto driving around and showing Saul's photo at different copy shops, spliced in with shots of copiers, printers, fax machines, and the late night print shop crowd.

I'd assume towards the end of the series, after Saul gets pulled into some cartel scheme. In Breaking Bad, when Walt and Jesse took Saul out to an open grave in the desert to intimidate him, Saul said "It wasn't me, it was Ignazio. He's the one!" and then started pleading in Spanish, "No, please, my friends, my

On a similar note, the trainyard where Mike met Nacho a few episodes back is the same trainyard where he coordinates the fake drop heist for Jesse in Breaking Bad. It's not quite the same spot, but it's about a stone's throw away.

It's possible. I also wouldn't be surprised if he's going to pay the guy to take out the gangsters, because I can't really figure out any other logical way for that storyline to end besides Frank's death, and the threat of indiscriminate reprisal against the Gallaghers is something that is already weighing the show

Alcohol addiction is a mental issue. Lip doesn't need bipolar disorder to explain that, his entire life and his parents explain it well enough.