
The UK version shed cast members like crazy, so most of the characters just disappeared to live their lives somewhere off-screen. Fiona was gone after season 2 and most of the other major characters left after season 3, largely replaced by the Maguire (Milkovich) clan, and eventually other families. Liam and Carl were

I would explain the comment but I'm a man so I probably shouldn't.

Mesa Verde Credit Union was also Walt's bank.

If you're interested in that stuff, I suggest checking out the Better Call Saul Insider Podcast. They discussed the set design and lighting in detail during one of this season's episodes. Forget which one it was, though.

His stake out also strongly resembles one of the stake outs he did in BrBa, perhaps down to the food he was eating, but I can't recall offhand what episode or context it specifically would have been from.

Honestly, I always felt that The Shield's major flaw was that it always seemed to have a foot firmly planted in the procedural genre. Like a lot of the groundbreaking shows of that time, it was pushing barriers but never quite divorced itself from its roots. To me, the overarching plot and character development always

So… Jimmy filmed two different commercials, right?

Kinda feel like the headline doesn't accurately represent the context of the quote.

It's odd, but not wrong. If Mel Gibson stars, you know that you "should" avoid it, based on your moral compass. But that's only because things were made public about Mel Gibson.

A lot of people considered Stallone a joke, too. But yes, you're right. Being able to seperate the actor and the character is important for immersion.

After hearing Deadpool call out Gibson as a possible Cable in the sequel, I really feel like it's about time for Gibson to make an RDJ-style comeback. Not sure if his public image can be repaired regardless of much personal growth he shows, but it would be nice to have him back acting and directing. He's a really

At least with Gibson you know where he stands, I guess. I personally don't expect actors and artists to also be positive role models, because they're people, not paragons of humanity. I don't really think you can safely assume that Fury Road was made without the help of any anti-semites just because Gibson wasn't

And the douche with the bluetooth headset was Ken, the guy with the "Ken Wins" license plate whose car Walt set on fire in the first season of BrBa.

Well, it IS already a callback to BrBa.

Did you see Lupe Fiasco beat Daigo Umehara in that SFV exhibition match? Crazy, right?

Once again, the tequila was used in the show to poison a bunch of people. I'm not sure that's the best sort of product placement.

Since she couldn't get him to sign the papers, she couldn't get the mortgage and lost the home loan. Carl's money would allow her to buy the house outright — well, assuming it were laundered, anyway. I'm not sure if the show will bother dealing with the reality of a poor woman buying a house with cash, if that's what

Well, I'll say that thus far this season has been a huge improvement over the disappointing fifth season, its definitely feeling kind of… aimless. I honestly think it's time for the writers to start pushing the show towards an end goal — whether that's in two seasons or four, this directionless meandering isn't doing

How so? It was a young girl who identified as a girl and was forced to live as a boy, being given the opportunity to choose her own gender identity. It shouldn't matter whether the individual is trans or not when the whole point is that people should be allowed to be who they want to be. And the other kid wasn't

I always thought of this as being more of a novelty song, like the stuff The Presidents of the United States of America were doing around the same time. The bad lyrics are part of its charm, right?