Michael Weed

Scott Baio is "iffy".

I'm on a trip already. A long strange one.

Yeah, go out get laid and make friends. You don't seem to understand how depression works.

This is very true, and I do. But, it's overshadowed by harsh reality.

Men in their 40s with my attitude don't really respond to therapy or anything else. It's hard to convince someone that it's going to get better, when they know it's not true.

Hey, I'm slightly older than Dave, and it takes all the will I can muster, not to off myself every single day. And, I don't have the looks, the money, or the fame Dave did, and he ended it. I think that goes to proving my point.

Not if life actually has no intrinsic value. Which many philosophers have concluded. There's no greater point or purpose to any of this. I think people who are happy for no reason, or fake it, are just as mentally ill.

Probably shot himself in the head, so no scanning that brain.

Maybe it's just a choice. Maybe the guy was sane, and just decided to opt out. The idea that only sick people suicide is pretty shallow.

Life is vastly over rated, even for famous folks, I guess.