白小狼(Mark Bryan)

"even without the largely incomprehensible dialogue" Okay really what the hell though? At not point was it hard to understand what Cynthia was saying nor what she was trying to say, she was just bad. I'm really tired of people, both on the show and recappers like this one going "Hahaha I just can't understand a word

Slight spoilers for next episode:

I think it's incredibly obvious from the edits and episodes that she'll easily be top 5 if not top 3.

"I knew Kasha was in the bottom two as soon as she mentioned that she was referencing Dean Martin in her opening monologue jokes. Bitch, do you not know who your audience is?"

"If Kasha’s Joan Rivers impression is a taste of how she would fare in the Snatch Game, I can’t say I’m sad to see her go before that challenge."

It was actually not a 4-person free for all. They had two different lip-syncs: Adore v. Darienne and Bianca v. Courtney, and then edited it together to make it look like it was all happening at once.