Capricious Son

The Show Night King is not the Book Night King…at all. I appreciate them finally getting into it, but it's really simplified. I mean, Has the show even explained the difference between First Men and Andals? Pretty sure no.

Show is not books. This is WAY oversimplified vs. the books.

Nymeria better show up with her wolf horde, I swear.

I think it's either that, or she takes Jacqen's Oldtown mission. If I hear "a girl must obtain a candle" then I know she's headed there.

He did call her Lyanna the first time. Kinda ruined it.

Ugh, this is what happens when you cut characters out of respect for the actors.

Did you seriously just independently discover Cleganebowl?

My money's on Arthur Dayne and Gerold Hightower.

Let grandma have her drugs!

For some reason, everyone seems to hate it when you try to ask for money…but for real guys, 100 caps? To kill like 50 people? Are you fucking kidding me?

Yeah, I'm gonna make her my "darkest timeline" baby mamma. So far I've made this kind of a paragon run because I don't yet know who is disposable…and I don't want my serial killer character to break the game right away.

wtf…some of these are just plain dumb…

I think I'm switching them out too much…but I figured I'll take Preston for Minuteman stuff, Danse for BoS stuff, Piper for…main story stuff? I don't know. But I haven't really found much use for any of them, for the most part. Oh and Valentine is pretty cool. There's just too many, and I've lost focus.

About 15 minutes of Battlefront and 40 hours of Fallout. Still haven't scratched the surface…

Thank you! I'm starting to feel like a crazy person out here.

Go ahead and list how many bisexual male characters there are on TV. I'll wait.

Guessing them age be tuf!

Hahaha seriously how old do you think I am?

Oh I didn't mean corny in the traditional sense so much as the way younger people are using it now (especially in hip-hop) which means weirdly outdated and off-putting.