Capricious Son

It's a multi-cam. Even if it was well-written it would sound corny as hell, and with good reason.


Yeah, should have just tried to be the next J-Dilla, not the next Jay-Z (slash EVERYTHING)

Ah ok…I think you should give Kanye credit for being an amazing producer (in my opinion he should have stuck to that and become the next Timbaland, but w/e.) Fair enough.

Hah interesting…what would that make Chevy Chase? 10:1?

I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing about it! Way to know your demo, Netflix.

I love his work too much to ever hate the guy, but a large part of me doesn't want to start listening to his podcast or watch Harmontown because I'm afraid it might take some of the shine off Community and Rick and Morty, two of my absolute favorite shows. I think a lot of his brilliance comes from a dark place, and

Unfortunately I think it will take a long time, especially with Dan's divorce happening…But I will never lose hope!

I didn't even think there was a PS3 app. I had to use my computer and it sucked.

But you know what they COULD do, fitting schedules and paychecks and all.

I had to plug my computer in to the TV to do it. Huge pain in the ass compared with literally any other streaming service.

shhhhut up, Netflix is listening!

We got our 6 seasons, now give us our movie!!

Oh HELL yes!

At least we have Rick and Morty…but why not make a movie and release it in NYC/LA/indie theaters to build hype for a VOD release? You could do it on a shoestring…

Interesting question…If she was from Old Volantis we would know that she was raised as a slave in the temple of R'hllor, but since she is from Asshai we know nothing about her origins. I wonder, if she fucked a lowborn person, would it create a super-weak shadow that just kinda stumbled around and died, or a real

Melisandre's pussy+royal semen=shadow assassin….

I dunno, after seeing the deviations and accelerations I have no clue where they are going with those two. But Valar Morghulis, man…

I think it comes down to too many characters for casual fans…The addition of the Kettleblacks is important to get the full picture of everyone's involvement in the Purple Wedding and other events, but like a lot of things, it got simplified for the show.

Interesting…that, or they'll hope we all forgot!