
This stupid website never ceases to amaze me with how it attracts the most moronic unfunny human trash. Go fuck yourselves.

What universe does the writer of this article and the artists of the Simpsons exist in when they think they're using an "Anime" style in that lame Pokemon Go gag? I'm sure you could convince them into thinking the normal art style of the show is totally Anime if you scribbled the word on every model sheet.

This would be an entirely different story if this guy said he didn't care about the original film but he said he didn't care about Anime as if it was all the same thing. Anime fans act in a similar manner but they've reached a different conclusion. As a fan of the medium of Animation I find this sort of generalization

Princess Mononoke was the last Ghibli film done with cels. Transfering the individual pencil drawings to a computer is very similar to transferring them to a cel but you don't have to staff a traditional ink and paint department. They're also far from being the only studio who works in 2D animation.

He's moved to tablet now. Sure it's just like using a pencil and paper but don't tell that to fans of animation who have no idea how animation even works.

Ign, birth movies death, anime news network, io9? You guys need to stop sourcing news from terrible websites.

The rage over the female cast of the new Ghostbusters film was blown way out of proportion by clickbait websites that love to stir up controversy. It was exasperated even more by Trolls and people who are incredibly smug and love to show off how progressive they are even if they're lieing. Youtube downvotes are

Super Sentai is popular with children. Every year there's at least two or three stand alone or crossover films promoting a new series aimed at the next group of kids. The general movie going audience in Japan will care as much about this film as they did about the American produced Speed Racer, Dragon Ball, and Astro

Are you one of those nerds who don't realize the 1966 Batman was intentionally campy?

Abstract art is an enemy in Earthbound. Wrong RPG pal.

I call bull on that comment about TMS. They did amazing work during those decades. Cartoons for TV and even all these recent direct to video DC films don't stand up even a fraction to the animation in something like the BTAS ep Feat of Clay pt. 2. It really comes down to preference then any sort of lack of skill on

Nope, you're just a fucking moron.

I don't think you have a clear understanding of the medium if these lazy observations are all you can come up with to differentiate low budget animation produced for television between the US and Japan.

Yet another Voltron reboot but now from people who should be old enough to know it was total garbage. I like how this article doesn't even acknowledge the past failures to get this franchise up and running again.

Tranzor Z was an edited down version of Mazinger Z a series from 1974 which led to the creation of stuff like Voltron.

Powerpuff Girls gets a recommendation but they link a video to that newer garbage instead? Seeing "Anime" getting name dropped as an influence just keeps getting funnier every single time especially since McCraken has flat out said it was not an influence on him.

"young adult women of color"

Foreign websites pushed the "bigger then Pokemon" angle to get clicks. Level 5 doesn't care about toppling Pokemon just as long as it sells decently enough in foreign countries to continue localizing the games.

"will run during the usually anime-heavy Toonami programming block"

Your lack of interest sounds more like a lack of knowledge to me. Maybe something even more then that but I'm not about start throwing that card around.