
It's the Prisoner of Ass Cabin, dammit!

I'm still miffed about that. The Dothraki are Mongols, dammit! Mongols who apparently don't use horse bows so how the hell did they beat all those armies, but still Mongols.

You know that climate change will make heat waves more likely in the future so you're going to have to get used to it. Even if we cut all greenhouse gas emissions today it will take at least 50 years for the weather to start acting normal again. How much are you willing to bet that this year won't be another hottest

It's just like what happened with Robert Jordan.

Oh yeah, I always get them confused.

"And then Harry saw Dumbledore's Grindr profile."

Maybe I'm just stupid but I did not catch the whole gay thing with Dumbledore. I'm convinced she just wimped out and didn't put it in the books. Just another sexless, non-threatening gay man, like the guy in Will and Grace.

It's Her-me-yon.

He's black so he must know about life "on the street", like how to get to the subway, or what time the Dairy Queen closes.

What did you guys think of the TV movie where it showed what happened to Chris Noth's character after he got exiled to Long Island? The revealed killer was pretty lame: oh no, it was one of the cops who's always hanging around the office! The bald white lieutenant was there too and kept Logan from letting the cop go

So have I. I remember I visited Paris right in the two-week lull between the two sets of riots. I kinda wish I'd been there to see the second one.

No. I have no idea what Ohio has to do with flag shapes.

A few years back? More like ten years ago.

That's why their flag is awesome. I want to see a trapezoid, or a circle. Even better would be a 3D flag like a sphere or pyramid.

Regular Hank Pym also slapped his wife around.

Okay, I get it, you think the racist joke was an integral and necessary part of the movie and removing it would limit The Departed's artistry. I'm not going to convince you otherwise so you win.

Backtracking on what? I'm still not convinced that The Departed is an "across-the-board" improvement on Infernal Affairs. As for the Costello character, again, there was no reason for the dialogue to include racist slurs. He could have, for example, said they were ugly, made fun of their hair, whatever. (Those are bad

It's unnecessary to include racist jokes. They could have found other ways to show that the character was despicable - which they did, in the rest of the movie. And of course what I wrote is subjective, I never claimed to be an objective authority on film.

I'm sorry, I don't like racist jokes being shoe-horned into the movies I watch. There was no reason why that had to be included, morally-questionable character or not. But perhaps you're right, maybe I'm too hung up about it because I'm Asian. I also don't see how anyone could like that, "How's your mother? Still

How so? It's better to have a corpse explode rather than plummet into a car, and falling forwards is better than falling backwards? Or is it the gore you prefer?