Emma Knight

Condescending much? Of course you are correct, you are a man and everything you say is perfect. You get to decide what racism is, you get to change the rules of your definition whenever you want and I the stupid ignorant sweetie can not hold a candle to your magnificent brain. It was stupid to try for I am incapable

Those are just words. Just words. Words used to win an argument, to win a presidency. In his words he clearly states that he is not racist. I hate arguing for Trump, I really do, but according to your criteria, your parameters, words do not make you a racist. Using racist words to win an argument does not make you a

I agree to disagree on this topic. There is really nothing that will change my mind about the subject. I am glad for the opportunity to think my position through. I think racism is a very complex concept largely because perspectives of the executor and the recipient are often radically different. Many, many people in

I think Donald Trump is a much better case study, when discussing the nuance between racism and belief. I am not quite sure how you determine Trumps racism by what he says yet, continue to argue that what Ryan said does not make him racist. Trumps perceived racism is just words, words chosen to win, not unlike Ryan.

It was not a trick question, but an imperfect attempt to explain the gray area that exists when discussing ones belief. And trying to point out the very real fact that many people do not believe themselves to be racist when they are. And that the difference in perspectives creates space for debate, understanding and

In the case of Ryan, there is no way to determine what he believes in relation to racism and even if you could it would be subjected to interpretations that could vary greatly depending upon perspective. It is very easy to determine his intent, he clearly and deliberately intended to be racist, thus making him racist

It is sadly surprisingly difficult to prove that Trump believes he is racist by his actions. For example, he has an excellent record when it comes to hiring and promoting minorities and women.

In a way it is a bit of a false premise, because what we consider racism did not exist during slavery times. However slave owners did not believe that black people were human and considered them in the same category as cattle. Feeling superior to animals is not racism, therefore they did not consider themselves to be

Belief is subjective intent is not.

Donald Trump does not believe that he is racist.

People who owned slaves did not believe that they were racist.

I think that there can be a nuanced debate involving racism and intent. If one is not intentionally racist, is it still racism? In that scenario, the person who did not intend to be racist has a valid argument that they are not racist. However, to the person receiving the racism intent is irrelevant, the outcome for

I am fully capable of understanding subtlety and am well known for embracing many perspectives. I fully understand that hurtful things said in an argument with your lover are often regrettable, however that does not change the fact that how you chose to attack your opponent says a lot about you. I agree that casual

Please use your brain and complicate it for me, explain to me the conditions in which hurting someone using race is acceptable.

Simplistic? Too funny. In what complicated way do you define racism that makes the following not true. Intentionally intending to hurt someone using their race is racist. If we cannot agree on that basic principle no wonder American is still so unapologetically racist.

He could have hurt her using family background, homelessness or any other number of things to inflict pain. Choosing to use race is racist. If he did not have a issue with it he would not have chosen it. She has plenty of flaws that have nothing to do with her race. Making it about race is racist.

I am not disagreeing with you about the below the belt move by the woman in this story. But if she was white…he would not have used race to hurt her, something else perhaps, but not race. The fact that he chose to strike a blow using her race, is racist. The fact that he expected his words to hurt is part of a grander

It is very common for racial slurs etc. to come out in mixed race relationships when in an argument especially at the beginning of the relationship. Coming from the white participant they are particularly hurtful because of the imbalance of power. I am glad they had enough guts to write the scene the way they did,


Thanks, so much for that. I have freckles so I understand about that. But I thought Enos looked much better more natural in the Killing. The men in this show look very overly done too. I suppose on HD it looks more like a slick, polished treatment that, as you pointed out, is very appropriate for the shows work