Emma Knight

I am not sure why this is relevant, except to point out that someone like me is FUCKED. I am African American and Native American and a woman. Many African Americans have American Indian blood (did you know that?). We should just go out back and shoot ourselves, cause there is no chance that we will ever be able to

WOW! Lets have a discussion about who has it worse between the two most disenfranchised groups in the country. That sounds very productive.

I too am mixed race and I did not have the same reaction as your wife. In fact, I was not even a Beyonce fan before this. Lemonade spoke to me and inspired me. When I heard Becky with the good hair I smiled and thought OH Shit! I am Becky with the good hair. I was not hurt or offended, I know who I am. Lemonade made

Good luck making your feminist album.

I appreciate your point of view and feel the need to point out that working with white artists does not make the work any less black. People hire from outside their race all of the time, I don't understand how this could be considered a conflict. The opposite hiring policy would be racism.

Watch it it is great. I am not a Beyonce devotee. Lemonade this is really something special.

Yes, but they think they are a great multicultural country.

OK, what is up with the make-up. Can someone in the industry please explain why the makeup is so over the top? It is so distracting especially on Enos. Is it a HD TV thing?

Black Evil Television? Really? So it would be OK for me to call every other television station white evil television?

37 so old? Wow, you must be young.

That made me smile too.

I had the opposite reaction for some reason. I am a drama person and generally don't watch too much comedy. I do like this show and I actually laughed outloud a couple of times this episode, which is unusual for me.

I think we have to wait and see on that one. I think it is possible that the restraining order might have nothing to do with April.

Sterling K Brown, yes i agree

The racial makeup of Los Angles, home of the entertainment industry, US Census, 2014. White alone, not Hispanic or Latino 26.8%, Hispanic or Latino 48.4%, Asian 14.8%, Black 9.2%. Voting body at the Academy Awards 96% white alone. White people are the only group that is over represented. You need opportunity to excel.

I think the joke was in poor taste, but it was a joke, he did not shoot them. Many people were up in arms about some of Ricky Gervis jokes too, but they were jokes. There are 35+ million blacks in America and they have 35+ million points of view, just like all other human beings on the planet. Please, please stop

I don't understand this concept of PF narratives. What is a PC narrative?

You really don't know if Rock is easily offended by off color jokes or not, he might find them funny, he is a comedian. I believe that it was wrong to expect Rock to speak for all black people. White people are never put on the spot like that. Asking for more employment opportunities is not playing a card. As a member

The importance of the power-distinction is the outcome.

They actually don't refer to many of the characters by name, don't dis the multi-tasking.