Emma Knight

I was responding to Zachary "…demonstrates that even an oppressed group like African Americans can take an active role in oppressing other groups, like Asians." Telling off color jokes is not oppression. I personally did not like Chris Rock's humor at the Oscars, but it was an equal opportunity offender. He said some

I don't understand this concept of PC narratives. In my opinion minorities, especially black men are often portrayed in a negative light and white men as the saviors that swoop in to save the oppressed. Both concepts are really laughable and do not have much grounding in reality. I will agree that it is a great

I agree completely, however I always feel the need to establish that societal power and structural capacity actually translate into things like wrongful death, wrongful incarceration, disruption of civil liberties and so forth and are not equal to the name calling and bullying that are products of prejudice.

When is it ever portrayed that minorities are a united force against the white oppressor? I am just curious? I don't recall ever seeing that narrative. Also, how do African Americans oppress Asians?

The key players do not have to be Latino, to include the Hispanic experience. One thing I remember clearly about that time in Los Angeles it that all over the city from Brentwood (where my aunt and uncle lived) to downtown Los Angeles (the courthouse) you could hear Latino music on boomboxes and car radios. It was

So your thesis is that the real characters who were part of the real trial did not have any interaction with any Latinos during the entire experience of the long trial. Because if that is what you are implying, I am saying that is not possible.

There is a place between recasting real people with the wrong ethnicity and not having any representation when telling a story that takes place is a real city that has a thriving Latino population. If we continue to throw our arms up in the air and say there is nothing we can do accurately portray our diverse

Please explain.

Corrected, thanks

If you lived in LA you would not find this strange. It is impossible, totally impossible to live in LA and not have latino people around you.

Nice of you to apologize, but I did not find your words hate filled, spewing stereotypes is idiotic, especially during a conversation about racism. It is very exhausting to have to be so gentle with white folk, when they are so very offensive with us.

I think we are in agreement.

Honestly, I grew up in LA during that period and I did not know anyone, not anyone black that did not have several negative experiences with the police, including my upper middle class grandmother.

Yes, you are correct, but it is important to note that in general white people trusted law enforcement, black people did not. This is where she made her mistake, African Americans do not trust the judicial system or the police.

I never would have thought that the OJ story, made for TV would end up being a showcase for some of the best performances on TV. Courtney B Vance and Sterling K Brown are insanely good, as is Sarah Paulson. If I had to pick one favorite it would be Sterling K Brown, what an amazingly nuanced, understated, detail

It bought him out of a murder conviction, it did not save him from racism.

Agreed, my point exactly.

It does matter how they look, that is what racism is. There is the technical definition and then there is the social interpretation of it. Racism is the social interpretation, i.e. how you look. A dark skinned Hispanic might be technically considered white, but not treated as white. Trump called for all Muslims

I would have a chat with the American Indians about that.

Wealth cannot buy you out of racism.