Considering that we are a country of immigrants, one could argue that Trumps position is unamerican. And PS, none of the immigrants he is talking about are white.
Considering that we are a country of immigrants, one could argue that Trumps position is unamerican. And PS, none of the immigrants he is talking about are white.
I agree it is disgusting that Latino's continue to be so underrepresented in television, especially since so many shows take place in LA.
Who are you to decide what is a radical black role model and what is not. We have Donald Trump on the way to the presidency spouting racial division, very loudly. Imagine what he would be called if he was a black man.
If you are black you cannot miss the black youth experience.
I never said why I thought Obama won, just simply stated one narrow perception about his winning. Obama can NEVER be white, because he cannot walk through the world looking like a white man. It does not matter what his grandparents did or did not do, it is about our society and it's perception of black men. In…
It is very common for white liberal women to be unable to identify with discrimination against black men. They often, truly believe that being men, black men are above them in the pecking order. Sexism is their issue so that is all they see. Many, many liberal white women were mad when Obama won and saw it as yet…
It is very hard to prove that anyone is a racist. Growing up in LA, during that period, the police were notoriously racist. But rarely could it be proven in any definitive way. Even after the Rodney King beating, blatant racism, the policemen involved walked away.
That did not surprise me at all. In fact, those words popped into my head watching Cris Rock on Sunday.
Like many liberal white people, she knows that racism is bad, but really does not understand the extent of it.
The giant problems started long before this trial. The whole OJ event was a symptom.
You are very lucky. Black people I know over 30 can not say such a thing.
Yes, but you have to add years of police brutality against black people, especially men to that list. It was an important factor, of not the most important factor.
What? The concept existed before someone wrote about it. Like everything else.
I don't know, I do know he was wasted, totally wasted.
I grew up in the theater, my parents are performers. I have seen a lot. I don't mind if there is singing from beginning to end, but the breaking into song and dance has always disrupted my sense of order. Once before I saw these very edgy opera singers that did a very interesting play on musical comedy and I loved…
I hate musicals, I mean really hate them, I hate romantic comedies. I love this show.
It is kind of a false equivalent, here was no such woman as an Oprah in 1995. And Nicole Simpson was not the equivalent of a white Oprah. Many in the black community cheered because for the first time it seemed possible for a black man to be innocent in the eyes of the law. To a community of people that have been…
Wealth is only part of the story. It is impossible to look at the OJ story and not see it is a story about race. The racism of the LAPD is the only reason he got off. And to be honest OJ was not that wealthy. For a black man yes, quite wealthy, but compared to many, many white men in the same circles, he was not very…
No, and furthermore if it were a black woman it would not have been such a big media circus. No one really cares about the fate of black women.
I have tried twice to get past the first 20 minutes. Any tips?